"Paintless Dent Repair Specialist"

Get a Free Dent Repair Quote from DentDok


It's easy to get a dent repair quote in Angeles City from DentDok, but we will need to know some details about the job. To get started please go to our contact page and enter all the details of damages you’d like us to repair. In the form please be sure to tell us approximately how big the dent or ding is, approximately how deep it is, and if the paint has been scratched or not. If there are more than one dent or ding please let us know the details about each one. If the repairs are going to be done at your location we'll need to know the address.

PDR Quote FormWhen you fill out our contact form you will be able to upload an image or images of your damage directly to the form. On some devices when you click on browse or upload, your device will access your camera and you'll be able to shoot the image directly to the contact form at that point. Then just enter the captcha and hit send. Once we have your text and your image we'll be happy to give you a loose quote on how much we think the repair job will cost. The quote will be approximate so you will have a general idea of what to expect. The quote will be good for 48 hours. We will need to visually confirm the quote with an inspection of your vehicle to finalize it.

Although we try to keep an eye out for quote requests to our E-mail account, if you'd like to follow up please also contact us through Facebook Messenger at m.me/DentDok.ph.You may also try texting or calling us at one of the following numbers to let us know you have sent this form. But please note that sometimes texts have a delay or are not received:  Smart: 0999-562-7882 Globe: 0915-370-5343


You can call or text us at the following cell numbers:

Smart: 0999-562-7882
Globe: 0915-370-5343

Contact us by E-mail here:

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Or use our contact form.


Here is our Facebook page:


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When you need auto dent repair in the Philippines, be sure to contact DentDok.